Monday, June 7, 2010

Earth Shaking. Literally.

You hear a lot about earthquakes in California.

When D and I moved out here last year we talked about this. We were both a little interested in the idea of an earthquake. We thought it would be kinda cool, being in LA, to experience one. And quite frankly, we were a little disappointed that in the year plus we've been here, we hadn't felt one yet. A little morbid curiosity, I guess.

Well last night around 3am we certainly felt our first one. It was a 3.6, and epicenter was about 5 miles south of us, just a little offshore. And it freaked. me. out. I think it was half the earthquake and half being woken from sleep by the earth shaking, but it was unnerving.

When I got out of bed this morning I expected to find all sorts of media coverage. News stories! TV! Articles! Information overload! That was not the case. It was mentioned in the morning news, and I think I found one article online.

So that earthquake that scared the living daylights out of me? Hardly even on the radar screen.

Makes me reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally nervous about "the next big one".


  1. I remember the quake of '89 and it was scary as hell. The big ones aren't fun. But I'm pretty sure you can't call yourself a Californian until you've felt at least ONE. So congratulations!

  2. Hahah, at age 4 I bet any earthquake was scary... much less a big one!
