Monday, April 27, 2009

Matzoh Ball Soup

I have a love for matzoh that could only exist in someone not born Jewish. When I tried matzoh in the form of soup a few years ago at the first holiday I spent with D's family I was absolutely sold. I've gone to Chompie's in AZ just for a taste of matzoh. I even occasionally buy matzoh to use as crackers. Yes, I'm a little nuts.

Despite this, I'd never made matzoh anything before I made this soup. I'm a little intimidated by matzoh. Its so simple... just flour and water... that its almost a little scary. How in the world does something so plain turn into something so delicious? Besides, you always hear that matzoh balls are a tough thing to get right. They must be not too big but not too small, not too solid but not too fluffy, not too bland but not over seasoned. No pressure. Right?

I found a recipe that looked pretty straightforward and I went for it. And you know what? It didn't turn out half freakin bad. Its not Chompies by any means, but it was more than edible and I went back for seconds. Without further adieu...

Matzoh Ball Soup

4 eggs
1/2 cup cold water
1 cup Matzoh meal
1/3 cup oil or melted shortening
1 tsp salt
dash pepper

Beat eggs. Add water, melted shortening, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Add matzoh meal and stir thoroughly. Let stand for 20 minutes.

Form into balls and drop into soup or into 1 1/2 quarts of boiling water. Cook 20 minutes.

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