5:30 - 6:00 Wake up before your alarm. Don't go back to sleep, because, why bother at this point?
6:15 Roll out of bed. Yawn.
6:15 - 6:50 Get ready. Then dick around doing who knows what.
6:52 Realize you are going to be late to work. Rush down to the car. Put your lunch on the front seat (instead of in the back where it normally goes)
6:53 Pull out of parking spot. Realize lunch is falling on the ground. Worry about applesauce spilling. Reach over to grab lunch.
6:54 Run into a really, really big concrete thing. Hit your head because you haven't put on your seatbelt yet.
6:55 In shock. Get out of car and assess the damage. Get back in car to move it into a parking spot. Realize it won't go anywhere.
6:56 Cry
7:00 - 9:30 Call boyfriend. Call father. Call insurance company. Be informed you don't have collision. Call tow truck. Call auto shops. Curse yourself for being such an idiot.
9:30 Follow tow truck to auto shop. Boyfriend drives you to work. Realize you forgot that god damn lunch.
10:00 Work. Feel stupid after telling the story 10 times.
2:00 Headache. Really, really bad headache.
4:30 Time to go home. Oh wait... we're working late today.
5:30 Finally leave work. Have to take the bus home. Oh, don't worry, home is only 25 miles away.
6:00 Find bus stop. Get on first bus. Transfer. Transfer.
7:44 Get off bus near home. Boyfriend waiting in the parking lot across the street. Drive home and collapse on couch.
9:00 Only solution in sight: ice cream.
Aww that does sound like a bad day. I'm so sorry. I'm so glad you ended it with ice cream though :)