Monday, March 23, 2009

Gnocchi with Pesto

Gnocchi and pesto are two of my favorite recent discoveries. I had gnocchi for the first time last summer at a little cafe in Brooklyn - unbelievable. How had I never tried them before is beyond me. A few months later I decided to try to make them on my own with pesto, and now I can't imagine my life without pesto. I seriously can eat it by the forkful. It grosses the boyfriend out, but yummmm. I kinda wing it when I make gnocchi and pesto. The recipes are pretty easy and very very tasty - and I love eating the leftovers for the next few days!


Adapted from Martha Stewart's recipe

4 big potatoes
2 eggs

Wash the potatoes and chop into big pieces so they will cook faster. Bring enough water to cover the potatoes to a boil and cook until the potatoes are tender. Drain and let cool. Once cool, the potato skins should peel off easily.

After the skins have been removed, mash the potatoes however works best. I use my hand mixer but if you have a ricer or a masher that should work too, as long as you get rid of all the chunks you possibly can.

When the potatoes are smooth, crack in 2 eggs and some flour (I start with a cup or so). Knead until everything is incorporated. The mixture needs to get to the point that its not sticky any more, so keep adding flour by the cupful and kneading in until your mixture is not sticky.

When the mixture is smooth, grab a big handful and roll into a rope just like you used to to with Play Doh when you were a kid. I like big fat gnocchi so i roll big fat ropes - but not too big, because you want them to cook through. Cut into bite sized pieces. Drop by the batch into a pot of boiling water; the gnocchi will sink. When they rise to the top they are done; remove with a slotted spoon.

This recipe makes a LOT - enough for dinner and 2 lunches for the 2 of us PLUS more to freeze. Adjust accordingly.


1 pack basil
Garlic (I used the chopped stuff)
Olive oil
Parmesan Reggiano cheese

I don't use pine nuts because they are too expensive. I grab a big sharp knife and chop everything together until its a nice paste. Garlic to your taste; I like lots of it. Add enough olive oil so that you form a coherent paste, but not so much that its oozy. Enjoy!!

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