Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Here's how lunch went today:

11:30 - Stomach rumbles. Feel slightly guilty about being hungry because, seriously, only ate breakfast 2 hours ago.

11:33 - Devour a yogurt. Feel happy that it is a Lite Yogurt. Also, thank higher power for Ralph's.

12:02 - Hungry. Again. Honestly, stomach?

12:03 - Forage in fridge. Thank higher power that you can't afford bad-for-you foods.

12:04 - Emerge victoriously with pint of blueberries! Thank higher power for Walmart and cheap produce.

12:09 - Realize you've absentmindedly ingested the entire pint of blueberries, which were of questionable expiration date, being a Walmart special and all. Feel slightly sick. Decide to take a nap on the couch. Thank higher power for unemployment (but pray for a job soon), and also for free housing.

In related news, I'm kinda loving my life right now.

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