Monday, March 23, 2009

Bored Bored Bored

Just out of the oven and cooling on the counter: I have to stop baking. I have brownies to finish/resist.

Will be cooking for dinner tonight: Haven't decided yet. Pizza? Chicken and asparagus? We will see.

Currently drinking: Water. Just bought a Brita. Genius.

Playing on the iPod right now: I need a new iPod.

Currently checked out from the library: Getting a library card is on my To Do list.

Currently reading: Little Women

Would like to buy: There's a whole list. New iPod. Bike. Stand mixer. Summer dress. Don't worry, I don't have enough money for any of these things.

Laughing about: UA

Anxiously awaiting: A friggen job.

Needs: A friggen job.

Crazy Future Aspirations: To try and take over the world.

Attempting to Learn: Gardening. Sweet.

Must Resist: Brownies. They are callllllllling me.

What’s Keeping Me Busy: Nothing, absolutely nothing. I'm bored.

Hyped Up About: The beach!

Waiting For: My dad to text me. Yeah, my dad texts.

Craving: Brrrrrrrrrrrrownies.

If I had magical powers: I would get a job.

Looking forward to: Everything!

1 comment:

  1. We should plant a garden together!! I really want to learn how to garden but it's so beyond my grasp.
