Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day Fourteen

I love weekends. Not going to work is certainly nice, but I really really really love running outside. And I really really loathe the treadmill. I'm dreading Monday - not for a frantic 9 hour day at the office but for 30 minutes on that god-forsaken piece of gym equipment. Gahhhhhhh.

My run today was glorious. Late afternoon, sun going down. There's one part of my route that brings me up along a high cliff and on clear days like today I could see everything - the Pacific, the coastline alllllllllllll the way up to Malibu, the Santa Monica Mountains, the entire marina, LMU, downtown LA, Griffith Observatory, the Hollywood sign - pretty much the entire north part of the city. I don't usually stop here, but today the view was just so picture perfect that I took five minutes to stretch and take it all in. By the way, I LOVE this place. I never want to leave. I would live in this tiny little crappy apartment (which I very much dislike) for the rest of my life if it meant I could stay in Playa.

Now, getting to the good stuff

Today: 4.75 miles

Total: 46.5 miles

Tomorrow: the 50 mile mark!

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