Thursday, January 8, 2009

Resolutions, Part 1

I have lots of resolutions this year, and to make them more manageable I've broken them down into some categories. My Fitness goals are the most well-developed at this point so that's what I'm going to share with you today.

1. Run a Half Marathon. Pretty self explanatory :)

2. Run consistently! I would love love love to keep up my 5 miles, 3 times a week. I don't know how realistic that actually is, but if I can run consistently I'll be happy. I'd be happy with at least 2 times a week, at least 3 miles... at the very least, but am shooting for that 5x3.

3. Explore other options for exercise. All I do at the moment is run and play soccer. Its fun, I love it, but I would love to get into other things, like yoga or cycling or kickboxing. Or all three! It would to keep that exercise thing fresh and fun, which is really important to me.

4. Be more active, period. I don't mean run more, I mean in my daily life. Stand up more. Walk to places that I can walk to, like the grocery store. Rake the leaves. Go for more walks. Dance. It doesn't matter what, just increase my level of overall daily activity.

5. Lose 10 more pounds. Last year I wanted to get down to 130 and I didn't quite make it, but I did make a huge step in the right direction. This year I want to finally hit that number, and maybe even dip down into the 120's again.

6. Weight Train. I've been scared of the gym since my college athletics days, but there's no reason to be scared. Lifting doesn't mean I have to bulk up, but I would love to be stronger and more toned. Ideally this would be mostly with plyometric and isometric exercises (my poor body can't handle much more!) with some free weights thrown in there too.

So, these are my fitness resolutions of 2009. Go me!

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