Monday, January 12, 2009

Am I On Your Google Reader?

Tonight is "one of THOSE nights"

Aye caramba.

Jeff leaves tomorrow for a land far, far away... Boston. I'm going to miss that kid so much. One of my favorite moments the last few weeks went like this: the two of us were sitting at his house watching a movie when my phone beeps for a text message. Its from Jeff, saying "I'm glad we can be miserable together :)" We looked at each other, smiled, and went right back to the movie.

I need a job. I hate having so little to do with myself. Bored bored bored.

I got my first grad school rejection today. Reason: "Non-competitive Grade Point Average". Shit. Can I start college over?

I did my laundry today - finally! But now I have mountains of clean clothes to fold, and you know how much I hate folding clothes. When I have my own house I will have nothing but closets, and I will hang up every article of clothing I own. Even t shirts. ESPECIALLY t shirts. But the unmentionables, those can have a drawer somewhere.

I want a doggggggggieeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Its 10. I'm going to bed.

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