Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It's 1:30 in the afternoon and I just put on a bra. I love days off.

I'm going to be having a lot of days off this month, thanks to the plethora of Jewish holidays. My office is ultra-orthodox, so I have a total of 7 days off. Fantastic. The only bad part: I'm not getting paid for most of them. Ohhhhh well.

Speaking of which, I went to church yesterday. It was the first day of Rosh Hashana, or the Jewish new year, so I went with my lovely Jewish boyfriend and some of his family. I've never been to Jewish services before - only 1 Bar Mitzvah - but this was pretty neat. Minus the fact that I couldn't understand a thing that was going on, because most of the service was in Hebrew :) Another bonus: the service was actually held in Plymouth Church, which is a historic church in downtown Brooklyn. Absolutely beautiful. I'm such a sucker for old things.

The thing I like best about the Jews is that they like to eat. I cannot tell you how much I've eaten the last 2 days - we had a full thanksgiving-style dinner on Monday night with turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and some Jewish additions like kugel and mandelbrot. Last night was chicken, a brisket, asparagus, honey cake, more kugel. Oh, and lots of matzah ball soup. And gefilte fish, which I did not sample. I've had enough food the last 2 days to last me all week. And it was delicious. Next week is Yom Kippur, so I'll have to do it all over again. Hello to the beginning of the holiday weight gain!

I've been working a LOT on my grad school applications. They are due the 1st of November, so its crunch time! I'm getting really nervous about getting in - It will be such a disappointment if I don't. But there's not much I can do about it at this point except hope for the best!! Good thoughts are appreciated.

Time to run to the grocery store - I'm making my dad's chili for dinner and I need to pick up a few things. Have a good day and Shana Tova! (Happy New Year!)

1 comment:

  1. When I went to the Bahamas I didn't wear a bra for SIX DAYS. It was the best 6 days of my life.

    I feel fat just reading this, by the way.
