Sometimes motivation comes from the most unlikely of places.
Since I'm only 1 week and 3 days into marathon training, which is almost 4 months long, its a leeetle early for my motivation to be waning. Yet, when I came home from work today I really just didn't want to head out on my scheduled run. It was my first tempo run, and after the ridiculous amounts of soreness and fatigue I experienced on Sunday's recovery run let me know exactly how un-strong I am I was not looking forward to feeling my cardiovascular un-fitness. Boo. Also, strep has been going around at work and although I haven't succumbed (yet?) I haven't felt like my normal healthy self either.
When I got home I fell into my normal "I don't want to run" business. I found something mildly pressing (example: sweeping the floors), made it exceedingly important (MUST! SWEEP! NOW!), and set to work. Before I got too far I somehow stumbled across this hilarious flow chart here, and wouldn't you know, 5 minutes later I had laced up my shoes and was headed out the door. And its a good thing I did, because if I hadn't I wouldn't have done 3 miles with 9 minute splits. I have a long way to go, but in week 2 I'm only 30 seconds off my 10k race pace. And ya know what... I'm not unhappy with that at all!
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