Thursday, January 20, 2011

He Loves Me

I write this stuff down because a) I like to show off, and b) good things are nice to remember on not-so-good days.

We've had issues with our fire alarms since we moved in. First, the previous owners of the house left us with non-functional alarms, which besides being a pretty major no-no in the real estate world, has turned into this huge inconvenience.

We bought fire alarms somewhere shortly after we moved in. They didn't work. We returned them and did what we should have done in the first place: bought them from Costco (<3). Now, these alarms run through batteries in record time. We changed all the batteries out within the last 2 months, but last night at 3am one of the alarms started beeping. The beeps were less in the vein of oh-crap-its-a-fire, but more like the I'm-slowly-dying-and-taking-you-down-with-me.

By the way... why do fire alarms always start this at night? It happened at our last apartment too.

Anyway, D got up to address the beeping at 3am last night. He tried to be super quiet. He got a flashlight and changed those stupid batteries in the dark so I could sleep. It totally woke me up, but I appreciated the effort enough to pretend it didn't. He is adorable. And I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a grumpy monster in the mornings.

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