Whew! Its been a whirlwind of a couple months. Let me back up.
In November we were lucky to attend the wedding of one of D's closest friends. It was a beautiful wedding, full of love and laughter, and one happy couple :) It was really special to be there with them as they took that step (leap?).
Thanksgiving was spent it in AZ with family and friends, and was pretty low key for both of us. I was able to make it over to D's Thanksgiving dinner as well as my own, which means it was the first big holiday (that we both celebrate) that we've spent together during the entire time we've been together. Go us!
Once December hit I got super busy with school. I was pretty busy this semester with 5 classes, (my program is considered full time at 3), but during finals was the only time it was overwhelming. And oh, was it overwhelming! I had finals to take, papers to write, projects to complete, etc etc etc. I basically locked myself in the house for a week and a half, but I got it all done! And I did well, too: I earned a 4.0 this semester!
After the semester ended I got busy preparing for Christmas! I always spend it with my family, and my family always hosts a big dinner for our friends on Christmas Eve. I headed to my dad's house a few days before and spent a lovely week in AZ hanging out with my fam, spending time with friends, and soaking up the sun. When it started to rain I hopped in the car and headed back to CA, which brings us to the present...
Along the way we had some very exciting things happen: we finally got a dog! We both really love Goldendoodles, but couldn't understand the associated price tag. We scoured craigslist for weeks and finally found our girl. She's about a year old and the sweetest, happiest thing on the face of this earth. She is also SUCH a dog: she loves car rides, bones, chasing her tail belly rubs, and rolling around on the carpet. We're constantly entertained by her antics and just love her. Otherwise we've just been settling into the house and trying to make it our home. Its difficult with how busy we both are but we're making (slow) progress!
She's so much bigger than I thought she'd be! But she's seriously cute.