Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tri Report

So it wasn't "next week" as promised, but I'm here with the details of the tri!

I took off work early on the Friday before. I had a little time to get my stuff together and headed down to catch the ferry to Catalina. In all honesty this was the most stressful part of the weekend, I was SO worried I was going to leave something important at home.

At the ferry I met up with my friend/training buddy Christina, her boyfriend, and their friends. The ferry over was relaxing and the sunset was absolutely breathtaking. We got in around 7, lugged our stuff to condo we rented for the weekend, and headed to pick up our packets.

We decided to catch a cab for the mile or so, which turned out to be a great decision. There was this giant hill on the way, and we saw so many people struggling to make it up. At packet pick up there was also a course orientation, where they informed us that we would be riding our bikes up the hill the next morning. Grrreat.

We headed out to dinner shortly thereafter. We had reservations at some fancy Grille on the island, but after being told we would have to wait, despite the reservation, and after the bartender was super snotty we decided to go elsewhere. We ended up at a fun Italian place overlooking the harbor. The portions were huge - hello carbo loading! - and the wine was delicious. After we filled our bellies we headed back to the condo, relaxed, and began preparing for the next morning!

Part 2: Race Day! Coming soon :)

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