Friday, August 27, 2010

Peach Ice Cream

I love the dollar store. I could walk around for hours, browsing all the knick knacks and random goodies you can find. And I inevitably end up spending a lot more money than I planned because - oh my gosh! They have frozen peaches here for a dollar!

So, there I was. Home from the dollar store with two bags of frozen peaches. I had big plans for each - the first went toward my morning smoothie, the second, to this ice cream.

Peach Ice Cream

Adapted from here

2 1/2 cups ripe peaches
3 eggs, lightly beaten, at room temperature
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
dash of salt
2 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups heavy cream (whipping cream)

In a blender, purée half of the peaches. Mash the remaining peaches with a potato masher. Set aside.

Whisk together the eggs, sugar, vanilla and salt until blended. 

In a large saucepan over low heat, warm the milk and cream until it just begins to steam. Temper the egg mixture with the cream, then pour the everything back into the heavy saucepan. Continue to cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is thick and smooth. Remove from heat, and refrigerate the mixture for several hours or until well chilled.

Add the peaches to the chilled mixture, stir well, and pour into a 5-quart ice cream freezer can. Freeze according to your ice cream maker's directions.

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