Thursday, October 15, 2009


Oh. My. God.

If the argument against allowing gay marriage is that it could be the downfall of the so-called sanctity of marriage... what the hell would this be all about? Here are two people. In love. Committing to each other. And heterosexual. And completely within their rights as citizens and human beings. AND THE FRIGGIN JUDGE WON'T LET THEM GET MARRIED BECAUSE ONE IS BLACK AND ONE IS WHITE.


Did segregation come back? Did we regress back into "seperate - but - equal"?

Did we know that THOUSANDS of couples have babies that are not fit to raise them? Do we know about poverty and crack and youth and drunkness and stupidity? Do we know that EVERY SINGLE CHILD that is born faces hardship, isolation, and hardship at some point in their lives... its a part of growing up. GAHHHHHH.

We are all the same. Old and young. Black and white and brown. Rich and poor. Middle class. Smart and dumb. Gay and straight. And everything in between. We all want to love and be loved, we all want to take care of our loved ones. We all want the chance to influence a life in a positive way. We all want the chance to pursue the things that make us happy. Like love. Like marriage. Like procreation. And the chance to screw up our kids in our own special way. And no judge, no lawmaker, no court, no people or group of people should be able to take that away from anyone. Anyone.

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