Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

I voted! I got myself out of bed at 6am this morning, bundled up, and headed to my polling place. The line was already out the door and around the block! At 6 in the morning! I'm glad we got up and got it over with though, because I'm positive those lines are just going to get worse as the day goes on.

Did you know that NY is one of the only states that does not use computerized voting? Even in states where you fill out a paper ballot, the votes are usually counted electronically. Not New York. I voted this morning using a machine that had to have been from the 1950's. I went in and had to pull this huge lever, then flick these tiny switches that corresponded to my candidates. Little X's showed up in the box by their name, and then I had to pull the huge lever back the other way to count the vote. Old school. Here's a picture - but mine was blue:

I'm not actually sure the thing worked - but then, one more vote for Obama in New York isn't really going to make a difference. It's just after 8 and he may have the thing won already :)
I won't say much more about this, but I really do hope that AZ, CA, and FL can strike down the propositions to ban gay marriage. Not too long ago, whites used religion to discriminate against blacks - and now we're about to elect a black man president (fingers crossed!). I hope in 50 years anyone who discriminates against others based on sexual orientation can look back and be ashamed of their intolerance. I'm not interested in taking away other people's rights, and quite frankly I'm disappointed that some people find it acceptable. Besides, in Arizona gay marriage is already illegal - what exactly is the point of this proposition, then?
What I'm Thankful for Today: I am obviously thankful for my country, my democracy, and my rights! We are so lucky to live in a country where we can enjoy so many freedoms. Now, everyone exercise their right to vote and get out there! (This month I'm trying to use every day to appreciate the things I have - it's fitting with Thanksgiving and all. I'm a little behind with days 1, 2, and 3 but I will get there eventually!)

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