We have been incredibly boring the last few weeks. I take the GRE next Saturday (eek!) so every night I come home from work, grab something quick to eat, and hit the books. D usually turns on the TV and watches the Mets - possibly his favorite thing about living in NY so far. I promise, once this exam is over I'll be much more interesting!
Last week, as you know, was the 7th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center. D and I were both curious to see what that would be like, especially with living in the city. Let me tell you: nothing out of the ordinary. Life as usual. I don't know how I feel about that - on one hand, it was huge, terrible day in American history, and we should honor and remember that. On the other hand, I almost feel that the best way to honor that is to go about our business as usual. To live like we did before the attacks. To not hide in constant fear of those who seek to destroy the freedom and peace we enjoy in this nation. I think that such resilience is in the true spirit of New York and of America.
The one very neat thing that we got to experience was that the lights were turned on for the night. We have spectacular views of lower Manhattan from our roof, so we went up late that night to see what we could see.

Now, my little point-and-shoot had a tough time with everything that was going on - the lights of our neighborhood, the bridge, the city, and the towers. I played with the ISO for the first time, and though this picture isn't exactly in focus, I don't think it came out too bad.
On Friday night we got to go to our first Mets game - for free! We certainly enjoy many perks of D's job. Since this is the last year at Shea, this was a little sentimental for me - I used to go to Shea with my family, gran, aunts, uncles, etc all the time when the whole clan was in CT. I'm glad I made it one more time!
On a side note, I have no idea why the contractor for our building decided that the BEST time to have people come in to do all sorts of loud, bangy work is on FRIDAY AFTERNOONS. Why not Thursday? Why not Tuesday? Why not any other day that I don't have the afternoon off and have 2 objectives: to nap and to take a practice GRE, both of which require some quiet. I'm not asking for library-type silence here... I just think I could do without whatever it is that sounds like a jackhammer.
See? I told you I was boring. That's all I've got for you in the last week. But, to make it up to you, I leave you with a picture of D and I at our very finest:
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